(RO) Favorita 7, Sara Errani paraseste turneul din primul tur , cedand in fata puternicei jucatoare Julia Goerges 3-6 2-6 ! Germanca in varsta de 25 de ani, a jucat impecabil, fara greseala, iar jucatoarea italiana nu a putut face fata loviturilor puternice de pe fundul terenului ale adversarei ! Anul trecut, Sara ca si in acest an a pierdut in primul tur ai la Melbourne Park !Astfel, Julia a fost jucatoarea mai agresiva si dupa o ora si 17 minute, Goerges pune capat partidei, servind 4 asi, 39 de lovituri direct castigatoare si avand un procentaj de venire la fileu de 70 %, castingand 7 mingi dintr-un total de 10 ! In turul secund , Julia Goerges va juca impotriva tinerei jucatoare americane Lauren Davis !
(EN) The 7 seed, Sara Errani leaves the tournament very early , on the first round before succumbing against Julia Goerges in 2 sets 3-6 2-6 ! The 25 years old German player, played impeccably ! Sarra couldn't handle the powerfull strokes from the baseline of her opponent ! Last year , like in this year Sara lost in the first round here in the Melbourne Park! So , Julia was the more aggressive ,focused player and after an hour and 17 minutes, she put the ends of the match, serving four aces, making 39 winners and having a 70 % percentage net points won, winning seven balls from a total of 10! In the second round, Julia Goerges will play against the younger American players Lauren Davis!
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