(RO) Favorita numarul 1 a turneului, si numarul 5 in lume,
poloneza Agnieszka Radwasnka, a fost eliminata de jucatoare americana Bethanie
Mattek-Sands , in turul doi al competitiei ! Acesta fiind primul meci oficial
al polonezei in anul 2014 ! Agnieszka nu a jucat in prima saptamana a anului,
decizand sa participe la turneul pe echipe Hopman Cup, acolo unde a facut
pereche cu polonezul Panfil si care au cedat in fata echipei franceze,
alcatuite din Tsonga si Cornet !
Astfel, Bethanie Mattek-Sands chiar in primul tur al turneul
a eliminat-o pe neasteptate pe tanara canadianca Eugenie Bouchard , ce a
provocat o mica surpriza, dar nimeni nu s-ar fi gandit ca americanca o va putea
invinge si pe favorita 1 ! Mattek-Sands s-a impus in 2 seturi 7-5 6-2 si a provocat cea mai mare surpriza a
turneului de pana acum ! In turul urmator adversara americancei va fi o alta tanara americana Madison Keys!
(EN) The favorite number 1 of the tournament, and number 5 in the world, Polish player Agnieszka Radwasnka was eliminated by the American player Bethanie Mattek-Sands in the second round of the competition! It was the first official match of the Polish in 2014! Agnieszka has not played in the first week of the year, deciding to participate in the tournament teams Hopman Cup, where Poland's paired with Panfil and have succumbed to the French team in the final , comprised of Tsonga and Cornet!
Thus, Bethanie Mattek-Sands in the first round of the tournament even eliminated it suddenly the young Canadian Eugenie Bouchard, which caused a little surprise, but no one would have thought that the American can win on the favorite one of the competition ! Mattek-Sands won in two sets 7-5 6-2 and caused the biggest surprise of the tournament so far! In the next round her opponent will be another young American player Madison Keys, who beat Ajla Tomljanovic in 3 sets 6-0 3-6 7-6 !
Thus, Bethanie Mattek-Sands in the first round of the tournament even eliminated it suddenly the young Canadian Eugenie Bouchard, which caused a little surprise, but no one would have thought that the American can win on the favorite one of the competition ! Mattek-Sands won in two sets 7-5 6-2 and caused the biggest surprise of the tournament so far! In the next round her opponent will be another young American player Madison Keys, who beat Ajla Tomljanovic in 3 sets 6-0 3-6 7-6 !
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