(RO) Un nou an a sosit si o noua fila a inceput din viata tenisului feminin ! In prima saptamana a anului 2014 in liga tenisului feminin au luat start cateva turnee, mai precis 3 , si unul dintre ele este Brisbane International ! Este un turneu minunat si anul aceste cateva jucatoare de top au figurat pe lista, toate fiind cotate cu sansa la titlu, precum Serena Williams (numarul 1), Victoria Azarenka (nr.2), Maria Sharapova (numarul 4), Jelena Jankovic (nr.8) ! Ca in fiecare an turneul de la Brisbane este unul de nivel superior ! In primele tururi favoritele au castigat relativ lejer, Serena si Vika beneficiind de Bye, iar Maria Sharapova a trecut de Caroline Garcia 6-3 6-0 si Jelena Jankovic de experimentata Francesca Schiavone 6-2 7-6 !
Astfel, pana in semifinale au ajuns toate cele 4 favorite , Serena urmand sa joace cu Maria , iar Victoria impotriva Jelenei ! Prima semifinala a avut loc intre numarul 2 mondial si respectiv numarul 8 ! Jucatoarea mai buna s-a dovedit a fi Victoria Azarenka invingand cu 1-6 6-3 6-4, fiind prima ce si-a asigurat un loc in finala ! In cea de a 2 semifinala, se rejucase finala de la Roland Garros din 2013, Maria Sharapova versus Serena Williams , si precum deja stim ca ultimele meciuri s-au incheiat in favoarei jucatoarei americane, si de data aceasta s-a repetat scenariul , cu un respectiv scor 6-2 7-6 !
In finala , astfel s-au intilnit numarul 1 versus numarul 2 ! In cele din urma Serena a castigat in 2 seturi echilibrate 6-4 7-5 si si-a aparat cu succes titlul castigat anul trecut !
(EN) New year arrived and a new year begun in tennis life ! In the first week of the 2014 , in the tennis life starts some tournaments and one of them is Brisbane ! Is a great tournament and this year some top players take part of it , like Serena Williams (number 1), Victoria Azarenka (nr.2), Maria Sharapova (number 3) ! Like always Brisbane International is a very high tournament and this year it was the same ! In the first rounds, the top players accessed easily , Serena and Vika benefiting for a Bye and Maria Sharapova passed by beating Caroline Garcia ! So in the semifinals all 4 top seed maded it ! So Maria Sharapova against Serena Williams and Victoria Azarenka against Jelena Jankovic ! First semifinal was between the belarusian and serbian player ! The winner was Victoria Azarenka in a thriller 1-6 6-3 6-4 ! In the second semifinal it was a great battle between the american and russian player ! Serena proved to be the better player , so imposing by 6-2 7-6 ! In the final again was a very captivating and interresting match between Serena and Vika ! So Serena captures and defended succesufully her tittle , by beating the number 2 in the world in 2 close sets 6-4 and 7-5 !
(EN) New year arrived and a new year begun in tennis life ! In the first week of the 2014 , in the tennis life starts some tournaments and one of them is Brisbane ! Is a great tournament and this year some top players take part of it , like Serena Williams (number 1), Victoria Azarenka (nr.2), Maria Sharapova (number 3) ! Like always Brisbane International is a very high tournament and this year it was the same ! In the first rounds, the top players accessed easily , Serena and Vika benefiting for a Bye and Maria Sharapova passed by beating Caroline Garcia ! So in the semifinals all 4 top seed maded it ! So Maria Sharapova against Serena Williams and Victoria Azarenka against Jelena Jankovic ! First semifinal was between the belarusian and serbian player ! The winner was Victoria Azarenka in a thriller 1-6 6-3 6-4 ! In the second semifinal it was a great battle between the american and russian player ! Serena proved to be the better player , so imposing by 6-2 7-6 ! In the final again was a very captivating and interresting match between Serena and Vika ! So Serena captures and defended succesufully her tittle , by beating the number 2 in the world in 2 close sets 6-4 and 7-5 !
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