(RO) Finalista de anul trecut de la Melbourne, Na Li va disputa primul ei meci pe tabloul principal impotriva tinerei jucatoare Ana Konjuh, care a venit din calificari ! Ana Konjuh , o fosta junioara foarte valoroasa , s-a impus aici la Australian Open in vremea aceea ! Jucatoarea croata para ca a reusit sa faca cu succes trecerea de la juniori la adulti, si deja isi pune amprenta in tenisul feminin actual !
Anul acesta , Na Li a reusit sa-si apere titlul cu succes titlul de la Shenzhen, unde a invins-o in finala pe buna sa prietena si compatrioata Peng Shuai ! Chinezoaica pare sa se afle intr-o forma foarte buna si este una dintre favorite la trofeu !
Meciul dintre Ana Konjuh si Na Li se va disputa luni, 13 ianuarie pe terenul Hisense Arena !
(EN) The last year finalist in Melbourne , Li Na will play her first match on the main draw against the young player from Croatia Ana Konjuh who came from qualifying! Ana Konjuh, a former valuable junior imposed here at the Australian Open in that time! It looks that Ana maded a succesfully transition from junior to adults , and already put her mark in the current women's tennis!
This year, Li Na was able to successfully defend her title in Shenzhen, where she defeated in the final her good friend and compatriot Peng Shuai! The Chinese seem to be in a very good form and is one of the favorites to win the trophy!
The match between Ana Konjuh and Li Na will be played on Monday, January 13 on Hisense Arena!
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