(RO) Monica Niculescu este in forma maxima la inceputul anului 2014 ! Dupa ce a pierdut saptamana trecuta in sferturile de finala, in fata favoritei 1 a turneului de la Shenzen, Na Li , in 3 seturi echilibrate, Niculescu din nou accede in sferturi , de data aceasta la Hobart, dupa ce o invinge pe favorita 6 , Mona Barthel 7-6 6-1 !
Se pare ca Monica si-a regasit din nou jocul ei cel mai bun si este una dintre pretendente la titlu ! Pentru un loc in semifinale, Niculescu va juca impotriva, jucatoarei venite din calificari , jucatoarea spaniola Estrella Cabeza Candella, care a eliminat-o pe detinatoarea trofeului, Elena Vesnina !
(EN) Monica Niculescu is in her top form at the start of 2014! After losing in the quarterfinals last week against the top seed of the tournament in Shenzhen, Li Na in a thriller match, Niculescu access into quarters again, this time in Hobart after defeating the favorite 6 of the tournament , the German Mona Barthel 7-6 6-1!
It seems that Monica has found again her best game and is one of the candidates for the title! For a place in the semifinals ,Niculescu will play against, the Spanish player coming from qualifying , Estrella Cabeza Candella, which eliminated in the second round the defending champion Elena Vesnina!
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